Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Daftar Buku Pribadi


Tarrow, Sidney. 2005. The New Transnational Activism. Cambridge University Press. New York.

Cohen, Robin & Rai, Shirin. 2000. Global Social Movements. The Athlone Press. New Jersey.

Diamond , L & Mcdonald, J. 1996. Multi-Track Diplomacy : A Systems Approach to Peace. Kumarian Press. Connecticut.

Berridge, G.R. 2001. Diplomacy : Theory and Practice. Palgrave. Leicester

Barston, R.P. 1988. Modern Diplomacy. Longman. New York.

Politik Luar Negeri

Rezasyah, Teuku. 2008. Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia. Humaniora. Bandung.

Wuryandari, Ganewati (ed.) 2011. Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Di Timur Tengah Arus Perubahan Politik Internasional. Pustaka Pelajar. Jakarta.

Banyu Perwita, Anak Agung. 2007. Indonesia And The Muslim World : Islam and Secularism in the Foreign Policy of Soeharto and Beyond. Nias Press. Copenhagen.

Hara, Abubakar Eby. 2011. Pengantar Analisis Politik Luar Negeri. Nuansa. Bandung.


Luhulima, C.P.F. Dinamika Asia Tenggara Menuju 2015. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.

S, Nuraeini & Silvya, Deasy & Sudirman, Arifin. 2010. Regionalisme Dalam Studi Hubungan Internasional. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.

Teori Hubungan Internasonal

Jackson, Robert & Sorensen, George. 2009. Pengantar Studi Hubungan Internasional. Terj Dadan Suryadipura. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.

Steans, Jill & Pettiford, Lloyd. 2009. Hubungan Internasional : Perspektif dan Tema. Terj Deasy Silvya Sari. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta.

Burchill, Scott & Linklater, Andrew. 2009. Teori – Teori Hubungan Internasional. Terj M.Sobirin. Nusamedia. Bandung.

Morgenthau, J, Hans. 2010. Politik Antarbangsa. Terj Cecep Sudrajat. Direvisi oleh Kenneth W. Thompson. Yayasan Obor Bangsa. Jakarta.

Schouten, Peer. Wahyu Nugroho, Bambang & Rais, Ahmad Hanafi (ed.) 2012. Theory Talks. LP3M UMY & PPSK. Yogyakarta.

Griffiths, Martin. 2001. Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations. Routledge. London.

Sitepu, Anthonius. 2011. Studi Hubungan Internasional. Graha Ilmu. Yogyakarta.

Hata . 2012. Hukum Internasional : Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Hingga Pasca Perang Dingin. Setara Press. Malang.

Nye, S, Joseph . 2004. Soft Power : The Means To Success In World Politics. Perseus Books Group. New York.
Winarno, Budi. 2011. Isu – Isu Global Kontemporer. Center For Academic Publishing Service. Yogyakarta

Saraswati, Veronika Sintha. 2009. Imperium Perang Militer Swasta : Neoliberalisme dan Korporasi Bisnis Keamanan Kontemporer. Resist Book. Magelang.

Bubalo, Anthony. 2012. PKS & Kembarannya : Bergiat Jadi Demokrat di Indonesia, Mesir & Turki. Terj Samsyul Rijal. Komunitas Bambu. Jakarta.

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Theses, Indonesia, Peacekeeping Operation and my to do list.

To do List

How United Nations Peacekeeping Operation (UN-PKO) funding works 
How UN-PKO created.
What are the requirements for a country to join a UNPKO missions.
What is the (common) reason for a country join a UNPKO missions.

Indonesia in UN-PKO :
What is Indonesia's contribution to UN-PKO budget.
What is Indonesia's contribution to UN-PKO personels and hardware (done)

Urgent Question (to avoid the presence of an omitted variable) to answer :
1.  What's with the increase of Indonesia peacekeeping operation ? is it only because the demand for personels increase (demand) or there are other reasons from the supply section such as ; Indonesia actively promoting and increasing it's capabilitiess

to answer the question above, things to observe is :

1. Total indonesia peacekeeper to total UN peacekeeper ratio (done)
2. The requirement to participate in an UN PKO.
3. The uniquness in indonesia peacekeeper and indonesia foreign diplomacy, so indonesia can be the on the demand priority list, thus this will explain the increase of Indo PKO. Yaaaayyy.

After that, i can move to the national interest question more freely.

such a mess.... but i hope everything will be improved in a matter of weeks, if not day.

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Building Blocks of the Research Process - Levels

An Overview of the Levels of Research

Theory : Concept 1 is related to concept 2.
Hypotheses : Variable 1 is related to variable 2
Operational : Operational definition 1 is related to Operational definition 2.

Example 1 

Theory : Economic development is related to political development
Hypotheses : The more industrialized a nation, the greater level of mass political participation
Operational : The higher the percentage of the labor force engaged in manufacturing, according to the United Nations Yearbook, the higher the percentage of the population of voting age that participated in the most recent national election, according the Statesman’s Yearbook.

Example 2 :

Theory : Socioeconomic status effects political participation
Hypotheses : The higher a person’s income, the more likely he or she is to vote.
Operational : The higher a survey respondent’s answer when he or she is asked, “What is your house-hold’s annual income,” the more likely that perrson will answer “Yes” when asked, “Did you vote in the election last November?”